Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 2「モバイルユーザーのニーズを把握する」

12.3 ロケールとユーザーの位置情報

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年06月02日


注意:以下のセクションの例では都市と州という形でUser Locationが含まれています。実際の評価作業ではセクション29.0で説明したように提供された地図に基づいてUser Locationを推論する必要があることに気をつけてください。

多くの、またはあるいはほとんどのクエリにおいてユーザーの位置はクエリやユーザーの意図に対する理解を変えることはありません。以下はその例です: []、[子猫の写真]、[地球と月の距離]、[お母さんに電話する]など。タスクがユーザーの位置を表示しない場合には位置が重要でないクエリとして評価を行い、貴方が判断を行ってください。



12.3 Locale and User Location

All queries have a task language and task location (referred to in rating tasks as the “Locale”). The locale is important for understanding the query and user intent. Users in different locations may have different expectations for the same query. Each rating task will show you the User Location information: some tasks have an approximate user location area and some tasks have a very specific user location.

Note: Examples in the following sections will include a User Location in the form of a city and state. Note that in the actual rating tasks, you will need to infer the User Location based on the map that is provided, as discussed in Section 29.0.

For many or most queries, the user location does not change our understanding of the query and user intent. Here are some examples: [], [pictures of kittens], [distance between the earth and the moon], [call mom]. If the task does not display a user location, please evaluate it as a query where the location does not matter and use your judgment.

When is the user location important in understanding query interpretation and user intent? Please use both web research and your personal judgment to answer this question. Ask yourself, “Would users in one city or country be looking for something different than users in another city or country?”