Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

7.5.5 コンテンツがコピーされているかどうかを判断する方法

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年03月29日


1. 本文中の文章やフレーズをコピーしてください。念のためにページ内の文章やフレーズをいくつか試してみることも必要となるでしょう。コピーする文やフレーズを決めるときには句読点や変わった文字、元の文章に置き換わっている可能性のある怪しい言葉などがない文や数個の単語の連なりを探してみてください。

2. Googleの検索ボックスに文章またはフレーズ(完全一致を検索する場合は引用符で囲んでください)を貼り付けて検索してみてください。また、引用符で囲まないで検索す事でより一般的な検索ができます。


文章や文からのフレーズ 文やフレーズを検索するクエリ




[ “ドロシーに自分たちも魔法使いに助けてもらえると説得される一同” ]

[ ドロシーに自分たちも魔法使いに助けてもらえると説得される一同 ]




[ “ドロシーが金のぼうしで翼のあるサルを呼び出した ” ]

[ ドロシーが金のぼうしで翼のあるサルを呼び出した ]




[ “昔、オマハから熱気球でオズに旅した老人の姿を明かす” ]

[ 昔、オマハから熱気球でオズに旅した老人の姿を明かす ]

3. 文章やフレーズにマッチするページを見つけたらそれを比較しましょう。そのMCはほとんど同じですか?もしそうならばそのうち1つは明らかにオリジナルのコンテンツ作成で知られる権威あるソース(新聞、雑誌、医学財団などなど)から来たものでしょうか?そのうちの1つのソースが合理的にオリジナルであると思われますか?Wayback Machine(インターネットアーカイブ)などのソースで検証した結果、どちらのソースが最も古い発行日を持っているように見えますか?


Internet Archive Wayback Machineで検索した “The Wizard of Oz “に関する古いバージョンのWikipedia記事から表中の文章がコピーされたものだと確認できます。なお、上記の文章やフレーズを検索しても現在のWikipediaの “The Wizard of Oz “の記事にはたどり着けません。ですので、ページのMCがコピーされた内容を含んでいるかどうかを確認することは時に非常に困難であることを示しています。



7.5.5 How to Determine if Content is Copied

How do you determine whether all or most of the MC is copied? How do you identify the original source of the content? These things can be difficult to determine, but the following steps may help.

1. Copy a sentence or phrase in the text. It may be necessary to try a few sentences or phrases from the page just to be sure. When deciding what sentence or phrase to copy, try to find a sentence or series of several words without punctuation, unusual characters, or suspicious words that may have replaced the original text.

2. Search on Google by pasting the sentence or phrase (surrounded by quotation marks to search for an exact match) inside the Google search box. You may also try without quotation marks to search for more general matches.

Here are some sentences and phrases from this page about “The Wizard of Oz” film and how to search for them.

Sentence or Phrase From a Sentence Query to Find the Sentence or Phrase

A sentence on the page:

All are convinced by Dorothy that the Wizard can help them too

Try the query both with and without quotation marks around the sentence:

[ “All are convinced by Dorothy that the Wizard can help them too” ]

[ All are convinced by Dorothy that the Wizard can help them too ]

A phrase on the page:

Dorothy uses the Golden Cap to summon the Winged Monkeys

Try the query both with and without quotation marks around the sentence:

[ “Dorothy uses the Golden Cap to summon the Winged Monkeys” ]

[ Dorothy uses the Golden Cap to summon the Winged Monkeys ]

A different phrase on the page:

revealing an old man who had journeyed to Oz from Omaha long ago in a hot air balloon

Try the query both with and without quotation marks around the sentence:

[ “revealing an old man who had journeyed to Oz from Omaha long ago in a hot air balloon” ]

[ revealing an old man who had journeyed to Oz from Omaha long ago in a hot air balloon ]

3. Compare the pages you find that match the sentence or phrase. Is most of their MC the same? If so, does one clearly come from a highly authoritative source that is known for original content creation (newspaper, magazine, medical foundation, etc.)? Does one source seem to reasonably be the original? Does one source appear to have the earliest publication date, verified by sources like the Wayback Machine?

Use your best judgment. Sometimes it is clear that the content is copied from somewhere, but you cannot tell what the original source is. Other times the content found on the original source has changed enough that searches for sentences or phrases may no longer match the original source. For example, Wikipedia articles can change dramatically over time. Text copied from old copies may not match the current content. If you strongly suspect the page you are evaluating is not the original source, consider it likely to be copied.

Based on this older version of a Wikipedia article about “The Wizard of Oz,” which can be found using the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, we can confirm that the text in the table has been copied. Please note that searching for the above sentence and phrases will not lead you to a current Wikipedia article about “The Wizard of Oz,” which demonstrates how confirming that the MC of a page contains copied content can sometimes be difficult.

Important: The Lowest rating is appropriate if all or almost all of the MC on the page is copied with little or no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users. Such pages should be rated Lowest, even if the page assigns credit for the content to another source.