Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

4.6 高品質なページのサンプル

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年03月29日

ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 高品質な特性 PQ評価と説明



● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)




● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● 出版社および/または著者の高いE-A-T




● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● 出版社および/または著者の高いE-A-T




● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T


ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 高品質な特性 PQ評価と説明



● 高品質なユーモラスなMC
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● 茶番劇のユーモアサイトとしての専門性



● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T



● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T
● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC





● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● 特に、この特定のブログと著者に対する高いE-A-Tとポジティブな評判。




● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)





● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)


ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 高品質な特性 PQ評価と説明

高:ショッピング3 家電量販店のTomTom GPSのページ(YMYL)

● 満足度の高い、または充実した量の超高品質なMC
● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)




● 満足度の高い、充実した量の超高品質なMC
● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T



“エンジニアが教えるネコ “動画

● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC
● 猫の飼い方に関する高いE-A-T(日常的な専門知識)



● 満足度の高い、または充実した量の超高品質なMC
● 子供向け教育ツールとしてのポジティブな評判(ウェブサイトに)




● 個人の物語という形で満足のいく質の高いMCを提供する。


ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 高品質な特性 PQ評価と説明



● 満足度の高い、または充実した量の超高品質なMC
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● 記事にはとても高いE-A-T





● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T
● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC



高:フォーラム2 アクアリウムの造形

● ページの目的に合わせた高いE-A-T
● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC

この議論はあるパルダリウム(陸生と水生の要素を併せ持つ水槽)のための造園に焦点を当てています。 水槽に使用される素材や生物の種の種類についてフォーラムのメンバー間で多くの議論や交流が行われています。投稿はニッチなトピックである水槽内の造園に関する専門知識を示しています。


4.6 Examples of High Quality Pages

Webpage/Type of Content High Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

High: News 1

Homepage of a newspaper (YMYL)

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC
● Positive reputation (website)

This is the homepage of a newspaper that has won several prestigious awards. This newspaper has a positive reputation for its objective reporting.

High: News 2

Article on a newspaper website (YMYL)

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC
● Positive reputation (website)
● High E-A-T of the publisher and/or author

This is an article on a newspaper website that has won several prestigious awards and has a positive reputation for its investigative journalism. There is a satisfying amount of high quality MC. While there are Ads on the page, the MC is easy to find and the Ads are clearly labeled as Ads.

High: News 3

Opinion article on a newspaper website

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC
● Positive reputation (website)
● High E-A-T of the publisher and/or author

This is an opinion piece written by the Editorial Board of the largest newspaper in the U.S. state of Minnesota. The page is clearly labelled as an opinion piece, welcoming a new football coach to the University of Minnesota.

High: Government agency

US Naval Observatory Master Clock page

● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page

The purpose of this page is to display the official US Naval Observatory Master Clock time in 7 different time zones. The page displays the clock information in a clear,
easy-to-read format. The Naval Observatory is highly trustworthy and authoritative for this type of information.

Webpage/Type of Content High Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

High: Humor

Article on a humor website

● High quality humorous MC
● Positive reputation (website)
● Expertise as a farcical humor website

This website is well-known for its humorous, satirical articles. This is a cute example of a satisfying and funny article.

High: Small business 1 Local fish & chips restaurant

● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page

This is an “about us” page on a restaurant website. This page provides information on when the restaurant opened and what visitors can expect. Other pages on the website provide information about the restaurant including the address, menu, other contact information, etc. This website is highly authoritative because it is about itself.

High: Small business 2 Local preservation center

● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC

This is the News and Updates section of a local preservation center selling poultry, vegetables, and more.

Note: This example was added in 2014 so the “News and Updates” were timely.

High: Blog post

Parenting article about strollers

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC
● Very positive reputation (website)
● Specifically, high E-A-T and positive reputation for this specific blog and author

This is a blog post on a newspaper that has won several prestigious awards. The author of this blog post has become known as an expert on parenting issues. She is a regular contributor to this and other media websites.

High: Shopping 1

Backpack shopping page on a popular store website (YMYL)

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC
● Positive reputation (website)

The purpose of this page is to allow users to buy a school backpack. The page provides a lot of different backpack options, and some of them have user reviews.

This is a well-known, reputable merchant, with detailed Customer Service information on the site.

High: Shopping 2

Bathroom décor page on a store website (YMYL)

● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Positive reputation (website)

This company sells its own line of high end, fashionable baby and children’s furniture and accessories. It has a positive reputation as well as expertise in these specific types of goods.
Many products sold on the site are unique to this company.

Webpage/Type of Content High Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

High: Shopping 3 TomTom GPS page on an electronics website (YMYL)

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Positive reputation (website)

There is a very large quantity of MC on this page. Note that the tabs on the page lead to even more information, including many customer reviews. The tabs should be considered part of the MC.

High: Video 1

Saturday Night Live video on a video website

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page

The MC of this video page is an episode of Saturday Night Live, a very popular television show.

High: Video 2

“An Engineer’s Guide to Cats” video

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC
● High E-A-T (everyday expertise) on the topic of cat ownership

This is a humorous, high quality, well produced video with more than 6.5 million views (and counting), illustrating the proper care and practical benefits of cats. The two engineers in the video have everyday expertise on cat ownership. For a humorous video like this one, expertise does not have to be in the form of a trained veterinarian.

High: Game Online game

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● Positive reputation (website) as an educational tool for kids

Highly engaging game with multiple levels that could entertain a child for hours. This website has a positive reputation for educating children about animals.

High: Q&A

How long do cancer patients live (YMYL)

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC in the form of personal narratives

The question on the page asks how long people live with cancer. There are many responses describing how long a loved one lived after diagnosis. There is very little medical advice and the focus of the page is sharing personal experience. Many responses are heartfelt and well written.

Webpage/Type of Content High Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

High: Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia article about the American Civil War

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of high quality MC
● Positive reputation (website)
● High E-A-T for the article

This is a detailed article about the American Civil War. The citations support the E-A-T of this article.

Note: Although much of the content is visible on the mobile page, we consider the content under the headings (which you need to expand) to be part of the MC. (To see the screenshot, you will need to zoom in to the image.)

High: Forum 1

Authenticating a luxury designer purse

● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC

This forum is well-known for discussions on luxury designer purses. On this particular forum page, members are consulting forum experts who have expertise authenticating bags from this brand. These experts can tell if a particular bag is authentic or fake. While there is an ad at the top and a few ads within the forum message, it does not distract from the MC, which is easy to find.

(To see the screenshot, you will need to zoom in to the image.)

High: Forum 2 Landscaping an aquarium

● High E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC

This discussion focuses on the landscaping for a particular paludarium (an aquarium with terrestrial and aquatic elements). There is a lot of discussion and interaction between forum members about the types of materials and species used in the aquarium. The posts show expertise in a niche topic aquarium landscaping.