Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

5.4 最高品質のページのサンプル

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年03月29日

ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 最高品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● ニュース記事の出版社とまたは著者を含む、ページの目的に対しての非常に高いレベルのE-A-T。
● ページの目的に合わせて非常に高品質のMCを満足または包括的に提供している。
● 非常に高い評判、評価を得ている(ウェブサイト)





● ニュース記事の出版社とまたは著者を含む、ページの目的に対しての非常に高いレベルのE-A-T。
● ページの目的に合わせて非常に高品質のMCを満足または包括的に提供している。
● 非常に高い評判、評価を得ている(ウェブサイト)



最高:情報1 インターネット上の噂の検証サイトのファクトチェックのページ(YMYL)。

● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。
● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)



ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 最高品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。
● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)




● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● ページの目的に合わせて非常に質の高いMCを満足または包括的に提供されている。


最高:テクニカル1 ソフトウェアに関するアドバイス

● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 質の高いMCが満足または包括的に提供されている。


最高:テクニカル2 リナクスのカーネルアーカイブ

● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 質の高いMCが満足または包括的に提供されている。





● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)


ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 最高品質の特性 PQ評価と説明

最高:金融2 税務申告書ページ(YMYL)

● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● ページの目的に合わせて非常に質の高いMCを満足または包括的に提供されている。




● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)


最高:雑誌記事2 音楽アーティストとのインタビュー

● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)


最高:医療1 BMI計算機(YMYL)

● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)


米国国立衛生研究所(National Institutes of Health)の一部である研究所を代表するサイトに存在します。非常に高い評価を得ており医学的なトピックの専門家でもあります。



● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)




● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)


ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 最高品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T

このWikipediaの記事によるとこの病院は”現在、U.S. News & World Reportが評価する全米トップ4の病院のひとつとされている。”とのこと。ユーザーはこのウェブサイトの医療情報を信頼することがでるでしょう。



● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 非常にポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● 高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。





● 目的に応じた満足度の高い高品質なMCを提供している(ログインページ)
● ポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T




● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)




● 目的に応じた満足度の高い高品質なMCを提供している(エラーページ)
● とてもポジティブな評判(ウェブサイト)
● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T




ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 最高品質の特性 PQ評価と説明


● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。
● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T


最高:レシピ1 パンプキンパイのレシピ

● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 満足できる量の高品質なMCと機能 が提供されています





● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 満足できる量の高品質なMCと機能 が提供されています



バンドの”OK Go”による”This Too Shall Pass”という曲のミュージックビデオ。

● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。
● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T



“Henri 2, Paw de Deux”の動画

● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。

● この特定のビデオの内容に対する非常にポジティブな評価


ウェブページ/コンテンツのタイプ 最高品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● 非常に高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。
● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T




● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 非常に高い評価(ウェブサイト)




● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 高品質のMCを満足できるレベル、あるいは包括的に提供する。



5.4 Examples of Highest Quality Pages

Webpage/Type of Content Highest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Highest: News 1

Article on a newspaper website (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page, including of the publisher and/or authors for a news article
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

This is a feature article from a newspaper that has won numerous awards.

The page has a comprehensive amount of very high-quality MC, including in-depth reporting by two authors with extensive knowledge and experience in investigative journalism.

Highest: News 2

Article on a newspaper website

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page, including of the publisher and/or authors for a news article

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

This is an article on a newspaper website that has won a variety of awards.

The article has a comprehensive amount of very high quality MC that is unique and original, including in-depth investigative reporting by two authors with extensive knowledge and experience in investigative journalism.

Highest: Informational 1 Fact-checking page on an Internet rumor debunking website (YMYL)

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Positive reputation (website)

This page is on a well-known fact-checking and debunking website that covers urban legends, Internet rumors, and other stories of unknown or questionable origin.

The page has a very satisfying amount of original MC for users seeking to validate a claim about a documentary film about mermaids. Users can trust the information on this page due to the website’s positive reputation and high level of expertise in debunking stories of this type.

Webpage/Type of Content Highest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Highest: Informational 2

Ball gown wedding dress page

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Positive reputation (website)

This page has a very satisfying amount of MC for users interested in ball gown wedding dresses. An abundance of pictures, plus options to view by price range, style, etc., are part of what makes this page so satisfying.

This page is on a very popular wedding planning website.

Highest: Government agency

Yosemite National Park information

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC for the purpose of the page

This page has a highly satisfying amount of helpful information about Yosemite National Park, including traffic alerts and links to other parts of the website with additional information. Since the page is on the official national park website, it is uniquely authoritative.

Highest: Technical 1 Software tips

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of high quality MC

This page offers a satisfying amount of helpful and very high quality MC for the purpose of the page. Because the page is on the official website of the company that produces the software, it is highly authoritative.

Highest: Technical 2 Linux Kernel archives

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of high quality MC

From this Wikipedia article, we learn that “ is a main repository of source code for the Linux kernel, the base of the popular Linux operating system. It makes all versions of the source code available to all users… The main purpose of the site is to host a repository for Linux kernel developers and maintainers of Linux distributions.”

This website is the most authoritative source for information about Linux.

Highest: Financial 1

Credit report information website (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

Users in the U.S. can obtain free credit reports on this website by providing their Social Security Number. This Wikipedia article tells us that this website is “the only federally mandated and authorized source for obtaining a free credit report.”

Webpage/Type of Content Highest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Highest: Financial 2 Tax forms page (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC for the purpose of the page

The purpose of the page is to provide income tax forms and publications. The website represents an agency of the U.S. federal government that handles taxes, so the page and forms are uniquely authoritative and trustworthy.

Highest: Magazine Article 1

Article titled “Secret Fears of the Super-Rich”

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● Very positive reputation (website)

This article is on a magazine website that has won multiple National Magazine awards. The article has a comprehensive amount of very high quality and in-depth MC that is unique and original.

Highest: Magazine Article 2 Interview with musical artist

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● Very positive reputation (website)

This magazine is very well-known and well regarded for content about artists and bands, and specifically has a positive reputation for interviews with musicians. This article features high quality and original content in its interview with the artist.

Highest: Medical 1 BMI calculator (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

The purpose of this page is to provide an online BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator. The calculator is functional and easy to use.

The website represents an institute that is part of the National Institutes of Health. It has an extremely good reputation and is an expert in medical topics.

Highest: Medical 2

Page about meningitis (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

This is a meningitis reference page on a trustworthy and authoritative website for a nonprofit medical research group. This website has a reputation of being one of the best web resources for medical information.

Highest: Medical 3

Page about seasonal flu (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

This is an influenza reference page on a trustworthy and authoritative medical website. This website has a reputation of being one of the best web resources for medical information of this type.

Webpage/Type of Content Highest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Highest: Medical 4

Health information on a hospital page (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page

According to this Wikipedia article, this hospital is “currently regarded as one of the top 4 hospitals in the United States as rated by U.S. News & World Report.” Users can trust medical information on this website.

Highest: Shopping

Backpack shopping page (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of high quality MC

The purpose of this page is to provide information about, and allow users to buy, a specific type of school backpack. The page provides a lot of helpful product information, as well as 600 user reviews.

Since the store produces this backpack, they are experts on the product, making the page on their own website authoritative. In addition, this store has a reputation for producing one of the highest quality and most popular school backpacks on the market.

Highest: Login

Online banking login page (YMYL)

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC for its purpose (login page)
● Positive reputation (website)
● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page

This page has login functionality, as well as clear information about what the user is logging into. This is a large, popular bank with a good reputation.

Highest: Charity

Homepage of a charity (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

This is a highly reputable charity according to multiple charity rating organizations.

Highest: Page with Error Message

“Custom 404” page

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC for its purpose (error page)
● Very positive reputation (website)
● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page

This is an example of a “custom 404” page. These pages are designed to alert users that the URL they are trying to visit no longer exists. The MC of this page is the cartoon, the caption, and the search functionality, which is specific to the content of the website. It is clear that time, effort, and talent were involved in its creation.

This publication has a very positive reputation and is specifically known for its cartoons.

Keep in mind that for any type of page, including pages with error messages, there may be a range of highest quality to lowest quality. Therefore, it’s important to evaluate the page using the same criteria as all other pages, regardless of what type of page it is.

Webpage/Type of Content Highest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Highest: PDF File Campus map

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page

This PDF file is a detailed campus map of a major university, which is hosted on the official university website. This is a highly authoritative source for this information. The map includes a listing of all the buildings, parking structures, parking lots, construction areas, etc.

Highest: Recipes 1 Pumpkin pie recipe

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC and features

The website is one of the most popular recipe websites and the author of the recipe is a well-known celebrity chef who specializes in southern cooking.

This page has a large number of user reviews of the recipe, detailed preparation time information, a “recipe box” feature, etc.

Highest: Recipes 2

Chocolate chip cookie recipe on a recipe blog

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC and features

Even though this user does not seem to be a well-known professional chef, recipes are an example of everyday expertise. The author of this blog has documented her extensive experimentation with a chocolate chip cookie recipe, and her expertise is demonstrated in the large quantity of original high or highest quality MC.

Highest: Video 1

The band OK Go’s music video for the song “This Too Shall Pass”

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page

This is a high quality, professionally produced video on the band’s official channel. The music video represents unique and original content created by a highly skilled and talented musical artist.

Highest: Video 2

“Henri 2, Paw de Deux” video

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● Very positive reputation for the content of this particular video

This is a high quality, popular video. It won the “Golden Kitty Award” for “Best Cat Video On The Internet” at the Walker Art Center’s Internet Cat Video Film Festival. The video is unique and original content created with a high degree of time and effort.

Webpage/Type of Content Highest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Highest: Video 3

Saturday Night Live video on the TV network’s website

● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high quality MC
● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page

The MC of this video page is an episode of Saturday Night Live on the TV network’s official website, making it highly authoritative and trustworthy. The episode represents high quality and original content created by a TV show that has won numerous awards. Below the main video, there are many other videos that users may be interested in.

Highest: Q&A

Q&A page on abbreviations

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation (website)

The purpose of the page is to answer questions about the usage of abbreviations. This website has a very good reputation as a reference for information on writing, publishing, etc. It is considered highly authoritative and trustworthy for the topic of the page.

Highest: Social Media Profile
The official Twitter profile page of the Tennessee Republican Party (YMYL)

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● A satisfying or comprehensive amount of high quality MC

This is the official Twitter account for the Tennessee Republican Party (TNGOP). It is an expert and authoritative source of information about the Tennessee Republican Party.