Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

6.7 低品質なページのサンプル

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年03月29日

ウェブページのタイプ/コンテンツ 低品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● 低品質なMC
● E-A-Tの欠落




● 低品質なMC
● ミスリードを狙ったページのタイトル
● E-A-Tの欠落



ウェブページのタイプ/コンテンツ 低品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● 低品質なMC

● 混乱させる広告



Q&A 未回答の質問

● ページの目的に対して満足のいかないMCの量。




● MCのクオリティが低い、または最低

● E-A-Tの欠落




● MCのクオリティが低い、または最低
● E-A-Tの欠落




● MCのクオリティが低い:一般的によく知られている情報しかない

● YMYLトピックにも関わらずE-A-Tの欠落




ウェブページのタイプ/コンテンツ 低品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● YMYLトピックにも関わらずE-A-Tの欠落




● YMYLトピックにも関わらずE-A-Tの欠落



● 低品質で満足のいく量のMCが無い





● 右側の列に非常に邪魔な(明確でない)SCや広告が表示される。

● 中段の広告が邪魔。

メインカラムに大きな広告がありMCを押し下げ、右側には “Top Posts & Pages “と書かれたいる非常に邪魔なコンテンツがあります。これらがSCなのか広告やSCなのかが不明です。



● E-A-Tの欠落

この質問に対する回答は94件あるにも関わらず参考になりそうな結果は数件です。”ベストアンサー “と銘打ったトップアンサーをはじめ、意図的に間違ったあるいは誤解を招くような投稿が多く見受けられます。


ウェブページのタイプ/コンテンツ 低品質の特性 PQ評価と説明



● 誤解を招く広告

● ページの目的に対して満足のいかないMCの量

全く役に立たない “回答” も含めて、MC(周囲が赤枠の部分)を読んでみてください。この回答はまったく役に立たないので、質問は回答されていないと考えてよいでしょう。このページには満足のいかない量のMCがあります。

非常に役に立たない”回答”に加えてMCと広告の区別がつきにくいページデザインになっています。例えば回答の下にある”スポンサー付き回答”は、本当の回答と同じ形式ですが、実際には広告であり質問に対する回答ではありません – これはユーザーに誤解を与える事になります。




● 誤解を招く広告/SC

● ページの目的に対して満足のいかないMCの量




6.7 Examples of Low Quality Pages

Type of Webpage/Content Low Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Low: News 1

Article about nuclear power (YMYL)

● Low quality MC

● Lacking E-A-T

The writing of this article is unprofessional, including many grammar and punctuation errors. The MC also appears to have been paraphrased from a science article found on a different source, but with factual inaccuracies introduced throughout. The combination of low quality MC and lack of E-A-T justify the Lowest+ to Low rating.

Low: News 2

Article titled “Getting Rid Of Toxins After The Holiday Season” (YMYL)

● Low quality MC

● Misleading page title
● Lacking E-A-T

The title of the article is misleading and does not reflect the actual content of the page. The MC does not explain how to get rid of toxins or what the word “toxins” in the headline refers to.

The content also has many problems: the writing quality is poor, and the article includes meaningless statements such as “water therapy is one of the easiest ways of beauty regimen since it will give enough moisture on the skin”. The article fails to cite sources, and there is no evidence of E-A-T.

Type of Webpage/Content Low Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Low: Informational 1

40th birthday party food ideas

● Low quality MC

● Disruptive Ads

This page and website have many characteristics of Low quality pages. Close observation shows MC that contains mostly commonly known information and poor quality writing. The MC is broken up by large Ads that disrupt the user experience.

Low: Informational 2

Q&A unanswered question

● Unsatisfying amount of MC for the purpose of the page

Some websites rely on users to create virtually all of their MC. In this case, the MC is the user’s question. If there are no answers, the amount of MC on the page is unsatisfying.

Low: Article 1

Article with tips for dressing for the office

● Low or Lowest quality MC

● Lacking E-A-T

This content has many problems: inaccurate/meaningless information and complete lack of editing with poor spelling and grammar—both of these characteristics in combination justify the Lowest+ to Low rating.

Low: Article 2

Using ginger for your health (YMYL)

● Low or Lowest quality MC

● Lacking E-A-T

This content has many problems: garbled information and a lack of editing. Both of these characteristics in combination justify the Lowest+ to Low rating. In addition, lacking

E-A-T on this topic is concerning.

Low: Article 3

How to adopt children from Iraq (YMYL)

● Low quality MC: commonly known information only
● Lacking E-A-T on a YMYL topic

This is a YMYL topic. However, the steps listed here are merely commonly-known information that would be of little benefit to someone interested in adopting a child from Iraq.

For example, step 1 says “Choose an adoption agency” and suggests looking in a phone book. There is almost no information specific to Iraq. There is no evidence of expertise on adoption from the description about the author.

Note that some Ads have the same format as links to other articles on this website, potentially making it a bit harder for users to visually distinguish these Ads from the MC and SC.

Type of Webpage/Content Low Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Low: Financial

Page with advice on picking a quality stock for investment (YMYL)

● Lacking E-A-T on a YMYL topic

There is no evidence that the author has financial expertise. Because this is a YMYL financial article, lacking expertise is a reason for a Low rating.

Low: Medical

Page with information about how long the flu lasts (YMYL)

● Lacking E-A-T on a YMYL topic

There is no evidence that the author has medical expertise. Because this is a YMYL medical article, lacking expertise is a reason for a Low rating.

Low: Recipes 1 Apple pie recipe

● Low quality and unsatisfying amount of MC

This page and website have many of characteristics of Low quality pages. The MC is low quality and lacks important information. For example, it gives no indication of how to make a crust and doesn’t list premade crust as an ingredient. It would be very difficult to actually make an apple pie using this recipe.

This page is lacking the kind of helpful content we expect in recipe pages, such as user reviews or comments. Without such information, it’s hard to tell if the recipe is any good. The small pink text at the top is not helpful for users.

Low: Recipes 2

Gluten-free New York cheesecake recipe

● Very distracting SC or Ads (not clear) in the right column

● Disruptive Ads in the middle column

This is an example of distracting and disruptive Ads/SC: there are large Ads in the main column pushing down the MC as well as highly distracting content on the right that are labeled “Top Posts & Pages.” It is unclear whether these are SC or Ads.

Low: Q&A1

Page about Native American customs (YMYL)

● Lacking E-A-T

There are 94 answers to this question with a few results that seem helpful. Many of the posts appear to be deliberately incorrect or misleading, including the top answer, which is labeled the “best answer.”

Type of Webpage/Content Low Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Low: Q&A 2

Page about a 2002 Volvo part (YMYL)

● Misleading Ads

● Unsatisfying amount of MC for the purpose of the page

Please read the MC (areas with red boxes around it), including the completely unhelpful “answer.” This answer is so unhelpful, we can consider this question to be unanswered. This page has an unsatisfying amount of MC.

In addition to a very unhelpful “answer,” the page design makes it difficult to distinguish the MC from Ads. For example, below the answer, we see a “sponsored answer,” which has the same format as the real answer, but is actually an Ad and not an answer to the question—this is misleading to users.

Low: Q&A 3

Page about water and soil

● Misleading Ads/SC

● Unsatisfying amount of MC for the purpose of the page

This is a page from a Q&A site with an unanswered question. Q&A pages exist to answer user questions. Pages with unanswered questions should generally be rated Low because they have little MC (just a question and no answer) and don’t achieve their purpose well.

In addition to having no answer, this page has Ads and links to other questions (misleadingly labeled as “Relevant answers”) displayed prominently, which users may mistake for answers to the question. It takes a moment to notice that this page actually has no answer.