Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

7.4.4 意図的な障害・妨害のあるMC

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年03月29日



● ウェブサイトを下にスクロールしてもMCを覆い続ける広告。広告をクリックしないと閉じること自体ができない。
● ポップアップがMCを覆い隠してウェブサイトに利益をもたらすアクションを起こさない限り閉じることができないもの。
● ウェブサイト訪問者の利益にならないダウンロードやクリックを強要するインタースティシャル・ページ(中間ページ)。
● 多くのユーザーが気づかないほどにMCの存在を押し下げた広告。
● 白地に白の文字、または人が読むのが困難な文字などで表示されるMC






7.4.4 Deliberately Obstructed or Obscured MC

Pages are untrustworthy if the MC is deliberately obstructed or obscured due to Ads, SC, interstitial pages, download links or other content that is beneficial to the website owner but not necessarily the website visitor. Attempts to manipulate or coerce users away from the MC is evidence of untrustworthiness, which makes the Lowest rating appropriate.

Here are some examples of pages with deliberately obstructed or obscured MC that should be rated Lowest:

● Ads that continue to cover the MC as the website visitor scrolls down the page. The Ads are virtually impossible to close without clicking on the Ad
● Pop-ups that obscure the MC and cannot be closed without taking an action that benefits the website
● An interstitial page that attempts to coerce a download or click that does not benefit the website visitor
● Ads that push the MC down so far that many users would not notice the MC
● MC in white-on-white text or MC presented so that it is difficult for a human being to read

Logins or paywalls on otherwise trustworthy sites should not be considered untrustworthy, deceptive, or coercive. Many high quality sites such as newspapers or magazines cannot exist without monetization through subscriptions and paywalls. Some types of MC should be login protected, such as pages with personal information online banking websites or private pages on social network websites.

MC may be inaccessible for non-deliberate or non-coercive reasons, such as content that doesn’t load or content that is unavailable in a country or region. These are not reasons for Lowest.

Use your judgment to assess whether the page is designed to deceive or coerce users into taking actions that benefit the website. If you are unsure, look at other pages on the same website, conduct reputation research, etc.

Remember many websites need monetization to share content with users. The presence of Ads alone is not enough for Lowest. The important criteria for Lowest is deception, manipulation or other coercive attempts to get people to engage with monetization or Ads rather than the MC.