Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 3「Needs Met レーティングのガイドライン」

13.1 レーティング結果ブロック:ブロックされたコンテンツとランディングページ

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年07月02日

Needs Met評価については各結果に評価を割り当てることになります。各結果には結果ブロック内のコンテンツとその結果に関連するランディングページが含まれます。


ブロックの種類 何を評価するか





● ほとんどのユーザーがクリックしないと考えられる場合、ブロックの内容だけでスペシャルコンテンツ結果ブロック(SCRB)を評価してください。
● だいたいのユーザーがクリックするだろうと考えられる場合、ブロック内のコンテンツに加えてランディングページの有用性も考慮することができます。この場合、高評価を正当化するためにはどちらも有用である必要があります。







結果ブロック クエリ:[愛とは何か] レーティング











クエリ:[ユートピア 動物病院]

クエリ:[シカゴ 天気]




クエリ:[映画 サンフランシスコ]

注意:このセクションのガイダンスは特にNeeds Met(ニーズを満たす)評価に適用されます。ランディングページを持つスペシャルコンテンツ結果ブロックではページ品質評価も求められることがありますし、求められないこともあります。このような場合、ページ品質評価は常にランディングページに基づいて行われる必要があります。Needs Metとページ品質の評価の関係についてはセクション14.0を参照してください。


13.1 Rating Result Blocks: Block Content and Landing Pages

For Needs Met rating, you will assign a rating to each result. Each result includes the content inside the result block and landing pages associated with the result.

Which part of the result do you rate? It depends on both the query and the result block:

Type of Block What to Rate

Special Content Result Block (SCRB)

Note: Assume that interactive result blocks function as intended. Try to interact with the result block as some links, buttons, or other features in your rating task may work.

The content inside this type of block should always play a large role in your rating.

Some Special Content Result Blocks may have links to landing pages. In these cases, think about whether a user would click on the link in order to satisfy their user need.

● If most users would not click, rate the Special Content Result Block based on the block content alone.
● If some or many users would click, you may consider the helpfulness of the landing page(s) in addition to the content in the block. In this case, both need to be helpful to justify a high rating.

Web Search Result Block

A click is required, and you should evaluate the landing page to assign a rating.

Web Search Result Block

A click is required, and you should evaluate the landing page to assign a rating.


Device Action Result Block

Base your rating on the helpfulness of the action itself.


For example, think about the query [what does love mean].

Result Block Query: [what does love mean] Rating

Special Content Result Block


Most users would probably not click on the Special Content Result Block, because the block contains a large amount of helpful content and has no obvious landing page link associated with it.

Therefore, base your rating on the content inside the block itself.

Web Search Result Block


In this case, users would have to click on the web search result in order to get an answer to the question.

Therefore, base your rating on the content of the landing page.

Here are some examples of Special Content Result Blocks where the block should be rated primarily on the content inside the block itself. As always, please use your judgment.

Query and Special Content Result Block

Query: [utopia animal hospital]

Query: [chicago weather]

Query: [calories in a banana]

Query: [how to find security code on visa]

Query: [how did Lincoln die]

Query: [movies san francisco]

Note: The guidance in this section specifically applies to Needs Met ratings. For Special Content Result Blocks that have landing pages, you may or may not also be asked to provide Page Quality ratings. In these cases, your Page Quality rating should always be based on the landing page. Please refer to Section 14.0 for more about the relationship between Needs Met and Page Quality ratings.