Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

7.6 最低品質のページのサンプル

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年03月29日

ウェブページ・コンテンツ 最低品質の特性 PQの評価と説明




● 特定集団に対する憎悪を助長し、容認し、または煽る行為





● 特定集団に対する憎悪を助長し、容認し、または煽る行為
● 合理的な事実や証拠に基づかない、根拠のない理論や主張が含まれている






● 自己または他者への身体的、精神的、感情的または経済的危害を奨励、描写、扇動または直接的に引き起こします





● 自己または他者への身体的、精神的、感情的または経済的危害を奨励、描写、扇動または直接的に引き起こします
● 確立された専門家のコンセンサスと矛盾する情報が含まれています






● 詐欺や悪質なダウンロードなどの有害な特性を持つページ
● 自己または他者への身体的、精神的、感情的または経済的危害を奨励、描写、扇動または直接的に引き起こします


ウェブページ・コンテンツ 最低品質の特性 PQの評価と説明




● 最低評価または最低E-A-T
● 詐欺や悪質なダウンロードなどの有害な特性を持つページ
● 自己または他者への身体的、精神的、感情的または経済的危害を奨励、描写、扇動または直接的に引き起こします



“Now 8 News”というウェブサイトに掲載された事実無根の記事です。マイリー・サイラスが死んだとの虚偽の主張をしています。


● 広く認められた事実によって容易に反論できる明らかに不正確な情報が含まれています
● 虚偽なデザインまたは虚偽の意図



この記事では水晶、クリスタルを使って癌を治す方法について説明しています。上部に「Shop Crystals」のリンクが目立ちます。


● 合理的な事実や証拠に基づかない、または根拠のない理論や主張が含まれています
● 確立された専門家のコンセンサスと矛盾する情報が含まれています
● 詐欺や悪質なダウンロードなどの有害な特性を持つページ
● 自己または他者への身体的、精神的、感情的または経済的危害を奨励、描写、扇動または直接的に引き起こします






● 合理的な事実や証拠に基づかない、または根拠のない理論や主張が含まれています
● 単純で広く認められた事実によって容易に反論でき、明らかに不正確な情報が含まれています
● 確立された専門家のコンセンサスと矛盾する情報が含まれています


ウェブページ・コンテンツ 最低品質の特性 PQの評価と説明




● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分






● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分
● 詐欺やその他の有害な行為の特徴がある



さらに、配送と返品のページにはまったく無関係と思われる別会社の名前が記載されています。また、ホームページの下部にはBetter Business Bureauのロゴ、Google Checkoutのロゴなどこのウェブサイトとは関係ないと思われる公式っぽいロゴが表示されています。




● 確立された専門家のコンセンサスと矛盾する情報が含まれている
● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分
● 最低の評価または最低のE-A-T






● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分
● 最低の評価または最低のE-A-T




ウェブページ・コンテンツ 最低品質の特性 PQの評価と説明




● 最低の評価または最低のE-A-T
● 詐欺やその他の有害な行為の特徴がある
● 自己または他者への身体的、精神的、感情的または経済的危害を奨励、描写、扇動し、または直接的に引き起こすこと可能性があります






● MC無し
● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ
● 虚偽のデザインまたは虚偽の意図






● MC無し
● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ
● 虚偽のデザインまたは虚偽の意図







● 故意にMCを妨害・隠蔽



ウェブページ・コンテンツ 最低品質の特性 PQの評価と説明


このページは(一見すると)Apple MacBook Air、iPhone 5c、Galaxy S4が当たるアンケートです。


● 虚偽のデザインまたは虚偽の意図
● 詐欺や悪質なダウンロードなど、有害な行為に該当する特徴を持つページ
● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分
● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ

このページはApple MacBook Air、iPhone 5c、またはGalaxy S4が当たる機会をユーザーに約束するように見える偽のアンケートです。

しかし、クリックすると銀行口座番号など個人情報を求められるにもかかわらずアンケートの責任者が誰であるかの情報はありません。また、ページ上部の「Thank You from」というメッセージやアンケート内容からGoogleと提携していると誤解される可能性があります。



ページのタイトルから政府の「freecreditreport gov」からの信用情報を提供している様に見えます。



● 虚偽のデザインまたは虚偽の意図
● 詐欺や悪質なダウンロードなど、有害な行為に該当する特徴を持つページ
● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分
● 目的が定まらない、例:出鱈目なMC
● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ




これは紛らわしいページです。MCがなく代わりに広告のブロックがあるようです。Point Blankというビデオゲームに関するコンテンツを持つために作られたページなのかもしれません。

Point Blankに関連するコンテンツはページの右側に埋め込まれた他サイトのビデオのみです。


● 目的が定まらない、例:出鱈目なMC
● MCがない、またはページの趣旨に合わないMCがある
● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ
● MCのウェブサイトや制作者についての情報がありません




ウェブページ・コンテンツ 最低品質の特性 PQの評価と説明

最低:Buy Xanax

This is a page on the website for the U.S. Green Building Council. However, this page has the words “Buy Xanax” over and over again, along with related words about buying Xanax and a URL link.


● メンテナンスされていないウェブサイト、およびハッキング、改ざん、またはスパム化されたページ
● 詐欺や悪質なダウンロードなど、有害な行為に該当する特徴を持つページ


これはスパムの手法の一つです。スパマーはこのウェブサイトが他に比べて一応は高品質であるためにページが検索結果にて上位に表示されることを期待しています。「buy xanax」という言葉が繰り返し使われ「buy xanax」を検索するとページが表示されることを期待しています。







● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ
● ページの目的に沿ったMCが不十分
● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分


のページではエラーコードの「P2570」がユーザーにとって有用とされる範囲を超えて繰り返し表示されています。これは「キーワードの乱用(Irrelevant Keywords)」と呼ばれる手法です。


重要な事実がトップから抜けています。”エンジンランプの点灯を確認してコードP2570が点灯している場合の理由は 。”とあり理由が抜けています。これはページで最も重要なコンテンツであるはずです!



ウェブページ・コンテンツ 最低品質の特性 PQの評価と説明

最低:自動生成されたブルドッグ用しわ拭き (YMYL)



● 虚偽のデザインまたは虚偽の意図
● 有益な用途がない
● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ
● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分





最低:バイアグラについてのコピーされたコンテンツ (YMYL)



● 虚偽のデザインまたは虚偽の意図
● 有益な用途がない
● 時間、労力、専門知識、手作業によるキュレーション、ユーザーへの付加価値などをほとんど使わずに作成されたコンテンツ
● ページの目的に対してウェブサイトやMCの制作者の情報が不十分






7.6 Examples of Lowest Quality Pages

Webpage/Content Lowest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Lowest: Superiority of Specified Group 1 (YMYL)

This is the homepage of Stormfront, a white supremacist website. The site is known for propagating white nationalism, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, white supremacy, and

Harmful to Specified Groups

● Promotes, condones, or incites hatred against a Specified Group of people

Reputation research and content on the site confirm that the Lowest rating is appropriate.

Lowest: Superiority of Specified Group 2 (YMYL)

This page describes a non-scientifically backed theory of superiority of a Specified Group.

Harmful to Specified Groups, Harmfully Misleading Information

● Promotes, condones, or incites hatred against a Specified Group of people
● Contains unsubstantiated theories/claims not grounded in any reasonable facts or evidence

The purpose of the page is to promote the view of superiority of a group of people.

This page makes unsubstantiated claims about the role of melanin in the human body.

Lowest: Non-medical drug use advice (YMYL)

This post encourages mixing an anti-anxiety drug with a recreational drug.

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals

● Encourages, depicts, incites, or directly causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to self or others

This post and other content on the page encourages dangerous behavior that could cause harm.

Lowest: Eating disorder encouragement (YMYL)

This page has posts that encourage people to lose weight in unhealthy ways.

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals, Harmfully Misleading Information

● Encourages, depicts, incites, or directly causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to self or others
● Contains information that contradicts well-established expert consensus

This post encourages harmful behavior.
“Proana” or pro-anorexia is a movement to view anorexia as a lifestyle choice, not a disease. Proana and similar “thinspiration” pages contradict well-established expert consensus that anorexia is an eating disorder.

Lowest: Personal information collection scam (YMYL)

Superficially, this looks like a payment page on a merchant site.

However, the form asks for highly sensitive personal information such as social security number, drivers license number, bank account numbers, and ATM PIN.

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals, Untrustworthy

● Pages that have characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior
● Encourages, depicts, incites, or directly causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to self or others

While this looks like a merchant site, the true purpose of this page is to collect information that could be used to commit identity theft or remove money from someone’s bank account.

Webpage/Content Lowest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Lowest: Poor financial advice and possible scam (YMYL)

This is an article suggesting clicking on a link to avoid paying debt.

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals, Untrustworthy

● Lowest reputation or lowest E-A-T
● Pages that have characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior
● Encourages, depicts, incites, or directly causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to self or others

This page has multiple concerning characteristics. The page has lowest E-A-T as it clearly lacks the financial expertise necessary to give financial guidance; clicking on the link could lead to a potentially harmful outcome. Overall, the promise of debt relief is a common scam technique.

Lowest: Miley Cyrus is dead “news article” on a deceptive website

This is a factually inaccurate article on a website called “Now 8 News”. It falsely claims Miley Cyrus is dead.

Harmfully Misleading Information, Untrustworthy

● Contains clearly inaccurate information that can easily be refuted by straightforward and widely accepted facts
● Deceptive design or deceptive intent

This website is designed to look like a news site and yet has deliberate factually inaccurate information. There is no information on who is responsible for this content. This page was designed to misinform or deceive.

Lowest: Crystals heal cancer potential scam (YMYL)

This article explains how crystals can be used to help cure cancers. It has a prominent “Shop Crystals” link at the top.

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals, Harmfully Misleading Information, Untrustworthy

● Contains unsubstantiated theories/claims not grounded in any reasonable facts or evidence
● Contains information that contradicts well-established expert consensus
● Pages that have characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior
● Encourages, depicts, incites, or directly causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to self or others

The claims made about the healing power of crystals contradict well-established expert scientific and medical consensus.

Selling “cures” for diseases such as cancer is a commonly used scam technique.

Lowest: Flat earth (YMYL)

This is a homepage of The Flat Earth Society, a group of people dedicated to spreading the belief that the earth is flat.

Harmfully Misleading Information

● Contains unsubstantiated theories/claims not grounded in any reasonable facts or evidence
● Contains clearly inaccurate information that can easily be refuted by straightforward and widely accepted facts
● Contains information that contradicts well-established expert consensus

The purpose of this website is promoting misleading information. It is harmful to people and society as it undermines trust in public institutions.

Webpage/Content Lowest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Lowest: Dry socket medical info (YMYL)

This YMYL medical site has literally no information about who is responsible for the content or the website.


● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page

There is no information about who created this website, no contact information, and no information about the author.

Medical pages require a high degree of user trust. Because there is no information about who owns this website and who created this content, this is considered an untrustworthy website.

Lowest: Merchant with little contact info, untrustworthy characteristics (YMYL)

This looks like a product listing page on a merchant website.


● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page
● Characteristics of scams or other harmful behavior

Inaccurate information about shipping and returns, deceptive use of logos and no information about who is responsible make this shopping site appear potentially fraudulent and untrustworthy.

This page is selling Nike Air Jordan shoes. However, there is inadequate contact information on the contact us page for a merchant site.

In addition, the Shipping and Returns page has the name of another company that seems to be unrelated. There are also official looking logos at the bottom of the homepage, including the Better Business Bureau logo and Google Checkout logo, that don’t appear to be affiliated with the website.

Lowest: Stomach flu lowest EAT article (YMYL)

This poorly written article describes how to cure the stomach flu.

Harmfully Misleading Information, Untrustworthy

● Contains information that contradicts well-established expert consensus
● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page
● Lowest reputation or lowest E-A-T

The writing is poor and the information is not consistent with standard medical guidance. It is clear from the content the author does not have medical expertise.

This page should not be trusted as a medical resource.

Lowest: Pimple popping lowest EAT article (YMYL)

This very poorly written article describes popping pimples.


● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page
● Lowest reputation or lowest E-A-T

The writing is extremely poor and there is virtually no information in this article.

For example, the opening sentence is “Popping pimples could be or could be not the new trend of getting rid of them.”

It is clear from the content that the author does not have skin care expertise.

Webpage/Content Lowest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Lowest: Malicious merchant site (YMYL)

This website appears to be an eyeglasses merchant site

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals, Untrustworthy

● Lowest reputation or lowest E-A-T
● Characteristics of scams or other harmful behavior
● Encourages, depicts, incites, or directly causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to self or others

This website swindled people and physically threatened people who complained. These articles on Wikipedia and the New York Times describe the deceptive techniques used by this website and provide other negative information about the website and its owner.

The reputation of this website is lowest based on reports of malicious behavior.

Lowest: Chicken recipes no MC

This looks like a list of chicken recipes, but is actually a list of links that are ads.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● No MC
● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or
added value for users.
● Deceptive design or deceptive intent

MC should be created to benefit people who come to the website. Pages without MC should be considered spammy as they crowd out and disincentivize the creation of pages with high quality MC.

Pages with Ads that are designed to look like MC should be considered untrustworthy.

Lowest: Mesothelioma deceptive directory (YMYL)

This page looks like a listing of resources about Mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● No MC
● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or
added value for users.
● Deceptive design or deceptive intent

This page is designed to look like a directory page or a list of helpful resources, but every link is an Ad. There is no MC on this page.

Pages without MC should be considered spammy as they crowd out and disincentivize the creation of pages with high quality MC.

Pages that disguise Ads as directory listings or other MC should be considered untrustworthy.

Lowest: Ads deliberately obscure MC

When you first visit the page, it appears that there is no MC, only Ads. If you scroll down, you will eventually find the MC at the bottom.


● Deliberately obstructed or obscured MC

This page requires scrolling past so many Ads to get to the MC that many people may stop scrolling and leave the page before reaching the MC.

Deliberately obscured MC to benefit the website with no help for people visiting the page should be considered untrustworthy.

Webpage/Content Lowest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Lowest: Deceptive and untrustworthy fake survey page

This page appears to be a survey with the opportunity to win an Apple MacBook Air, an iPhone 5c, or a Galaxy S4.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● Deceptive design or deceptive intent
● Pages that have characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior
● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page
● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users

This page contains a fake survey, which appears to promise users the opportunity to win an Apple MacBook Air, an iPhone 5c, or a Galaxy S4.

However, there is no information about who is responsible for the survey, even though upon clicking, the survey asks for highly personal information such as bank account numbers. The message at the top of the page, “Thank You from” and survey content could mislead users to think that the survey is affiliated with Google.

This page is deceptive and should be considered untrustworthy.

Lowest: Lowest MC free credit report (YMYL)

The title of the page suggests that it may provide a credit report from the government
“freecreditreport gov”.

However, the page has gibberish MC and spammy looking features, such as ads or links surrounding the meaningless text.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● Deceptive design or deceptive intent
● Pages that have characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior
● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page
● Cannot determine any purpose, e.g., gibberish MC
● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users

The MC is gibberish. There is no beneficial purpose of gibberish MC. The title of the page is misleading, given the MC.

This page also has deceptive features in the supplementary content, such as a friend request, a prize alert, and a download button. It is highly likely that these are ads or malicious download links.

Lowest: Deliberately created with no MC

This is a confusing page. It seems to be missing MC and instead has a block of ads. It may be that the page was created to have content about a video game called Point Blank.

The only content related to Point Blank is a video from another website embedded in the right hand side of the page.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● Cannot determine any purpose, e.g., gibberish MC
● No MC or insufficient MC for the purpose of the page
● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or
added value for users
● No information about the website or creator of the MC

While this page may look odd or broken, many other pages on the website are similar pages with only ads.

Many don’t have videos, and any videos present are from another website, not original to this one.

This page and this website was created with little time and adds no value for users.

Webpage/Content Lowest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Lowest: Buy Xanax

This is a page on the website for the U.S. Green Building Council. However, this page has the words “Buy Xanax” over and over again, along with related words about buying Xanax and a URL link.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● Unmaintained websites, and hacked, defaced, or spammed pages
● Pages that have characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior

This specific page has been created or modified on this organization’s website in hopes that people will click on the link to buy the prescription drug Xanax.

This is a spam technique. Spammers hope that the page will rank well in search results because the website is otherwise high quality. The words “buy xanax” are used repeatedly in hopes that the page will show up for the search “buy xanax”.

Attempting to spam search engines and trick people into clicking on links is highly untrustworthy behavior.

Lowest: Auto-generated car engine code (YMYL)

This page is full of supplementary content, links, and large ads.

The MC at the top gives information about a specific error code P2570 and a second block of main content in the middle shows more information about P2570.

The MC is broken up by large ads and it is difficult to understand due to the poor content quality.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users
● Insufficient MC for the purpose of the page
● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page

This page has low quality MC and spammy attributes.

The page repeats the error code “P2570” beyond what is helpful for users- a technique known as irrelevant keywords.

The small amount of MC is not original to the website. Lists of error codes are available either by purchase or by scraping.

An important fact is missing at the top “When you check engine light came on code P2570 the reason should be .” The reason is left out – this should be the most important content on the page!

Looking at other pages on the website, it is clear that each page is created automatically by filling in a template from a list of error code information. There appears to be little to no manual editing or checking to make sure the error code content is correctly pulled in, as evident by the missing reason on this page.

As with many spammy websites, there is no information about who is responsible for this website and no way to report problems with the page.

Webpage/Content Lowest Quality Characteristics PQ Rating and Explanation

Lowest: Auto-generated bulldog wrinkle wipes (YMYL)

This page claims to list the best bulldog wrinkle wipes and uses affiliate links.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● Deceptive design or deceptive intent
● No beneficial purpose
● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users
● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page

The MC on this page is copied with little or no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users.

Looking at the content at the bottom of the page and exploring other pages on the website, it is clear that each page is created automatically using content from Amazon and substituting different product names into a generic template. There appears to be little to no manual editing or curation on this page.

The true purpose of this page is to bring users seeking information about products to this website in hopes that they will click and order products by clicking on Amazon affiliate links. This website does not have a beneficial purpose for users but rather was created to benefit the creator of the website. Though the website discloses that they use affiliate links, the site offers no added value for users.

As with many deceptive websites, there is no information about who is responsible for this website.

Lowest: Viagra copied content (YMYL)

This looks like an information website for the drug Viagra.

Untrustworthy, Spammy

● Deceptive design or deceptive intent
● No beneficial purpose
● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users
● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page

All MC on this page is copied with little or no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users. Here is the original source.

Exploration of the pages on this website are similarly created with little expertise or value added for users.

The true purpose of this page is to bring users seeking information about Viagra to this website in hopes that they will click on the “order now” link. The “order now” link goes to another website and is likely monetized. Therefore, this website does not have a beneficial purpose for users but rather was created to benefit another website.

As with many deceptive websites, there is no information about who is responsible for this website.