Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

10.2 エラーメッセージが表示されるページやMCがないページに対する評価

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年06月02日



ウェブページ・コンテンツ ページの特徴 PQの評価と説明


● 目立つ広告を大量に掲載、ユーザーを助けようとしていない



● MCが無い(一時的な技術的エラーによるものと思われる)
● 十分なSC
● ポジティブな評判


ウェブページ・コンテンツ ページの特徴 PQの評価と説明

カスタム404メッセージ付きのエラーページ 1

● 特に何も問題は無いが、特別な事も何も無い




カスタム404メッセージ付きのエラーページ 2

● 目的に応じた満足度の高い高品質なMCを提供している
● ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させるほどの役に立つSC
● ポジティブな評判



カスタム404メッセージ付きのエラーページ 3


● 目的に応じた満足度の高い高品質なMCを提供している
● ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させるほどの役に立つSC
● とてもポジティブな評判




10.2 Ratings for Pages with Error Messages or No MC

Some pages are temporarily broken pages on otherwise functioning websites, while some pages have an explicit error (or custom 404) message. In some cases, pages are missing MC as well. Please think about whether the page offers help for users—did the webmaster spend time, effort, and care on the page?


Here are some examples.

Webpage/Type of Content Characteristics of the Page PQ Rating and Explanation


Deliberately created with no MC

● Large amount of prominent Ads and no attempt to help users

This is an example of a page with no MC. You might think that the MC is “missing” due to a problem with this particular page, but in fact, this website has hundreds of pages that look the same—no MC, just Ads. This website shows Ads with little or no attempt to help users, and should be rated Lowest quality.


Page didn’t fully load and has no MC

● No MC (probably due to a temporary technical error)
● Sufficient SC
● Positive reputation

This page has no MC and no error message. It is an isolated example of a page with no MC or error message on a website for a reputable newspaper for a town in Michigan. All of the navigation links work, and the page was later fixed.


Webpage/Type of Content Characteristics of the Page PQ Rating and Explanation


Error page with custom 404 message 1

● Nothing wrong, but nothing special

This is an example of a “custom 404” page, alerting users that the URL they are trying to visit no longer exists. Some websites do a nice job of alerting users about a problem and providing helpful tips.


This page is on a well-known merchant website with a good reputation. However, this particular page displays the bare minimum of content needed to explain the problem to users, and the only helpful content is a link to the homepage.


Error page with custom 404 message 2


● A satisfying amount of high quality MC for its purpose
● Helpful SC that improves the user experience
● Positive reputation

This is an example of a “custom 404” page, alerting users that the URL they are trying to visit no longer exists. This website does a nice job of explaining the issue and providing helpful tips, including a search box.

Error page with custom 404 message 3

● A satisfying amount of high quality MC for its purpose
● Helpful SC that improves the user experience
● Very positive reputation


This is an example of a “custom 404” page. These pages are designed to alert users that the URL they are trying to visit no longer exists. The MC of this page is the cartoon, the caption, and the search functionality, which is specific to the content of the website. It is clear that time, effort, and talent was involved in the creation of the MC.

This publication has a very positive reputation and is specifically known for its cartoons, which allows us to go as high as High+ to Highest.