Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

10.3 フォーラムやQ&Aページの評価

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年06月02日


● フォーラムやQ&Aページのメインコンテンツには質問だけでなく、回答・返答やその結果のディスカッションも含まれます。
● フォーラムやQ&Aのページを議論に参加している参加者としてではなく、ページを訪れたユーザーの視点で評価してください。


ウェブページ・コンテンツ ページの特徴 PQの評価と説明


● 不正確で危険な可能性のある医療アドバイスを掲載したYMYLページ





● 誤解を招くページデザイン
● ページの目的に対して満足のいかないMCの量




● 誤解を招くページデザイン
● ページの目的に対して満足のいかないMCの量





● ページの目的に対して満足のいかないMCの量



ウェブページ・コンテンツ ページの特徴 PQの評価と説明


● ページの趣旨に沿ったE-A-Tが不足している




● 混在しているが、救われる点もある。





● ページの目的に応じた日常的なノウハウ




● ページの目的に応じた日常的なノウハウ





● ページの目的に対して高いレベルのE-A-T



ウェブページ・コンテンツ ページの特徴 PQの評価と説明



● 日常的なノウハウ
● 満足度の高い高品質なMCを提供している




● ページの目的に対して高いレベルのE-A-T
● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC




● ページの目的に対して高いレベルのE-A-T
● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC

このフォーラムは品質保証に関する専門家のコミュニティとしてよく知られています。回答はページの目的に対して権威があり、とても信頼できるものです。ページには広告がありますが”スポンサーリンク “として明確に表示されていますのでMCを見つけるのは簡単です。



● ページの目的に対して高いレベルのE-A-T
● 満足のできる量の高品質なMC




● ページの目的に対して非常に高いレベルのE-A-T
● 非常に高い評価を得ており、ウェブサイト上のすべてのコンテンツにWebサイト自体が責任を持もっています



Ratings for forum and Q&A pages can be challenging. The most important aspect is the E-A-T of the participants in the discussion, which can be difficult to judge. Keep in mind the following:

● The Main Content on forum and Q&A pages includes both the question as well as the answers/responses and resulting discussions.
● Rate forum and Q&A pages from the point of view of a user who visits the page, rather than a participant involved in the discussion.

Here are some examples.

Webpage/Type of Content Characteristics of the Page PQ Rating and Explanation


Q&A page about chest pains and smoking (YMYL)

● YMYL page with inaccurate potentially dangerous medical advice

We must evaluate this page from the point of view of a user visiting this page from a search engine, rather than a participant. The question is poorly worded and difficult to understand.

The answers are poorly worded and have incorrect and potentially dangerous medical advice, making it lowest quality MC.


Q&A page with unanswered question

● Misleading page design
● Unsatisfying amount of MC for the purpose of the page

In addition to having no answer, this page has Ads and links to other questions (misleadingly labeled as “Relevant answers”) displayed prominently, which users may mistake for answers to the question. It takes a moment to notice that this page actually has no answer. Deceptive design and lack of an answer make this page a frustratingly poor user experience and cause this page to completely fail to achieve its purpose.


Q&A page about a 2002 Volvo part (YMYL)

● Misleading page design
● Unsatisfying amount of MC for the purpose of the page

In this example, the MC is boxed in red. Please read the MC, including the completely unhelpful “answer” to the question in the red box. This answer is so unhelpful, we can consider this question to be unanswered. This page has an unsatisfying amount of MC.


In addition to a very unhelpful “answer,” the page design makes it difficult to distinguish the MC from Ads. For example, below the answer, we see a “sponsored answer,” which has the same format as the real answer, but is actually an Ad and not an answer to the question. This page design is somewhat misleading.


Q&A page about a game console issue

● Unsatisfying amount of MC for the purpose of the page

Some websites rely on users to create virtually all of their MC. In this case, the MC is the user’s question. If there are no answers, the amount of MC on the page is unsatisfying.


Webpage/Type of Content Characteristics of the Page PQ Rating and Explanation

Q&A page about Native American customs (YMYL)


● Lacking E-A-T for the purpose of the page

There are 94 answers to this question with a few results that seem helpful. Many of the posts are wrong or misleading, including the top answer, which is labeled the “best answer.”


Forum page on how to wash ballet shoes

● Mixed, but with some redeeming qualities

This forum is about dance topics, and many pages have expertise from a community of ballet dancers. On this particular page, participants have everyday experience washing ballet shoes and make recommendations based on their own experiences.

This page is “mixed” because there is some distracting content that makes it hard to read the MC. However, this is not a beauty contest! Even though the page may be cluttered, there is some valuable everyday expertise and helpful MC, making Medium a good rating for this page.


Q&A page about whether a Roomba will work

● Everyday expertise for the purpose of the page

Many participants share their personal experiences with these products, giving details such as how well certain models work with pet hair. There are many descriptions of participants’ own experiences with this product and how well it works for them.

Q&A page about interviewing at Build-A-Bear (YMYL)

● Everyday expertise for the purpose of the page

The answer on this page is written by an employee of Build-A-Bear, so it offers a somewhat unique and presumably somewhat expert answer.

The page design allows users to read the MC as the Ads are clearly labeled, as well as both the question and answer.


Forum post on the magic loop technique in knitting

● High level of E-A-T for the topic and purpose of the page

The person who posted the first message on this forum page provides a helpful resource on how to master the magic loop technique in knitting. She also shares pictures of her own version using an old pair of blue jeans. With over 20 years of experience knitting socks, we would consider her to be an expert on the topic.


Webpage/Type of Content Characteristics of the Page PQ Rating and Explanation

Q&A page about how long most cancer patients live (YMYL)

● Everyday expertise
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC

The question on the page asks how long people live with cancer. There are many results describing how long a loved one lived after diagnosis. There is very little medical advice and the focus of the page is sharing personal experience. Many results are heartfelt and well written.


Forum page on authenticating a purse

● High level of E-A-T for the topic and purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC

This forum is well-known for discussions on luxury designer purses. On this particular forum page, members are consulting forum experts who have expertise authenticating bags from this brand. These experts can tell if a particular bag is authentic or fake. While there is an ad at the top and a few ads within the forum message, it does not distract from the MC, which is easy to find.

Forum page on KPIs to track

● High level of E-A-T for the topic and purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC

This forum is well-known for its community of experts on quality assurance. The responses are authoritative and trustworthy for the purpose of the page. While there are Ads on the page, it is easy to find the MC and they are clearly labeled as “Sponsored Link.”


Forum page on landscaping an aquarium

● High level of E-A-T for the topic and purpose of the page
● A satisfying amount of high quality MC

This discussion focuses on landscaping for a particular paludarium (an aquarium with terrestrial and aquatic elements). There is a lot of discussion and interaction between forum members about the types of materials and species used in the aquarium. The posts show expertise in the niche topic of aquarium landscaping.

This discussion focuses on the landscaping for a particular paludarium (an aquarium with terrestrial and aquatic elements). There is a lot of discussion and interaction between forum members about the types of materials and species used in the aquarium. The posts show expertise in a niche topic aquarium landscaping.


Q&A page on abbreviations

● Very high level of E-A-T for the purpose of the page
● Very positive reputation, and the website is responsible for all content on the website

The purpose of the page is to answer questions about the usage of abbreviations. This website has a very good reputation as a reference for information on writing, publishing, etc. It is considered highly authoritative and trustworthy for the topic of the page.