Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

11.0 ページ品質評価に関するFAQ

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年06月02日

質問 答え























質問 答え







Part 2: モバイルユーザーのニーズを把握する


11.0 Page Quality Rating FAQs

Question Answer

Why do we have to do all these steps? This takes a long time!

With practice, the amount of time needed for accurate PQ ratings will decrease. The steps are important and are designed to help you assess many different aspects of PQ. You may be surprised by what you find. Pages that initially look Low quality may turn out to be Medium or High quality with careful inspection. The reverse may happen as well. We want your most informed, thoughtful opinion.


Are we just giving High quality ratings to pages that “look” good?

No! The goal is to do the exact opposite. These steps are designed to help you analyze the page without using a superficial “does it look good?” approach.


You talked about expertise when rating MC. Does expertise matter for all topics? Aren’t there some topics for which there are no experts?

Remember that we are not just talking about formal expertise. High quality pages involve time, effort, expertise, and talent/skill. Sharing personal experience is a form of everyday expertise.

Specifically for content creators, everyday expertise can be assessed based on the talent/skill level depicted in the MC (e.g., great hair-styling advice, painting/crafting abilities, skillful home/DIY work, etc.). In cases where the content creator is not demonstrating formal or everyday expertise but is not doing any harm, Medium is an appropriate rating.

Pretty much any topic has some form of expert, but E-A-T is especially important for YMYL pages.

For most page purposes and topics, you can find experts even when the field itself is niche or non-mainstream. For example, there are expert alternative medicine websites with leading practitioners of acupuncture, herbal therapies, etc. There are also pages about alternative medicine written by people with no expertise or experience. E-A-T should distinguish between these two scenarios.

One final note: if the page is harmful to people or society, untrustworthy, or spammy as specified in these guidelines, expertise doesn’t matter. It should be rated Lowest.


Aren’t there some types of pages or topics, such as celebrity gossip, that always have Low quality content?

For almost any type of page or informational topic, there is a range of content quality. Remember that high quality content is defined as content that takes time, effort, expertise, and talent/skill.

For example, there are both High and Low quality celebrity gossip pages. Often, the purpose of these pages is to share scandalous, but potentially true personal information about celebrities. We can consider the MC of a gossip page to be high quality if it is accurate and interesting information from a reliable source.

Pages that are harmful to people or society, untrustworthy, or spammy as specified in these guidelines should be rated Lowest quality, regardless of their topic.


I’ve never seen a High quality page of type X. If there are no high quality pages of this type, why are we giving existing pages a Low quality rating?

For some topics or types of pages, there may not be many (or any!) High quality pages now, but there may be in the future. We need a uniform set of standards that apply to all pages, even for pages that have not yet been created.


Question Answer


Some of these criteria seem unfair. For example, some art pages do not have a purpose. Are these pages Low quality?

Art pages do have a purpose: artistic expression. Pages created for artistic expression do not deserve the Low quality rating simply because they have no other purpose. Artistic expression, humor, entertainment, sharing photos and videos, etc. are all valid and valued page purposes.


If I have to open the task URL on my phone, can I check for E-A-T on my desktop/laptop?

Yes! More intensive analysis on the website (e.g., researching E-A-T) can be done on your computer. Any time that using your computer will help you complete the task, feel free to use it.


Part 2: Understanding Mobile User Needs