Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

7.1 自身および他者に有害な影響を与える

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2023年03月29日






● 深刻な殺害予告やその他現実的な脅威を含むコンテンツ。
● 他人の個人情報を悪意を持って共有し、その人を標的にしたり嫌がらせをしたりするコンテンツ(例:「Doxxing」)。
● 暴力的な行為の方法を簡単に再現できるように説明したハウツーや 詳細な手順に関する情報。
● 暴力や残虐行為を擁護、美化、矮小化したり、暴力や残虐行為の被害者を誹謗中傷するような内容。
● 人に危害を加えることを助長・促進する情報や、人への虐待を正当化しようとする議論を描写・促進するコンテンツ。
● 危険な行為を助長したり、危険な行為(家庭用洗剤の飲用など)のリスクを実質的に軽んじる内容。
● 入院や死亡につながる可能性のある行動をとるよう促す自殺助長や拒食症を助長するコンテンツ。
● 健康関連のアドバイスで、確立された専門家のコンセンサスに反し、深刻な被害をもたらす可能性のあるもの(例:レモンが癌を治すという記述)、または救命治療を受けることを妨げる可能性のあるもの(例:病気を治すために標準治療の代わりとして家庭療法を奨励するなど)。
● 人をだましたり傷つけたりしようとしたり、不審なリンク(例:マルウェアのダウンロード)を含んでいたり、正当な理由なく個人情報を要求したり、パスワードの「フィッシング」を行う悪質なページ。


● アクション映画における暴力描写
● 暴力的な事件に関するニュース記事
● 暴力やグロテスクな描写がある教育的な内容
● 詐欺に関する注意を喚起するための詐欺の説明。
● 危険な行為についてその危険性を明確に説明し、必要な専門知識や道具を説明するなど他人が同じことをしないように意欲を失わせるような描写をおこなっているもの。


7.1 Harmful to Self and Other Individuals

Use the Lowest rating for pages with content that encourage, depict, incite, or directly cause harm to self or other individuals.

Harm includes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to people. Pages should be considered Harmful to Self or Other Individuals if they directly attempt to harm people; encourage behavior that may result in harm; depict extremely violent or gory content without a beneficial/educational purpose; or otherwise are severely traumatic to people who view the page.

Pages do not have to be harmful to all people to be considered Harmful to Self or Other Individuals. Different people have different levels of vulnerability to scams, awareness of potential dangers (e.g., dangerous feats depicted in stunt videos), and tolerance for viewing violent/disturbing content. If there is a reasonable possibility that viewing a particular page would cause harm to those who are most vulnerable, it should be considered harmful.

Pages created with a beneficial purpose that report on, discuss, or inform about harmful actions or events (e.g., fictional entertainment, reputable news, education) should typically not be considered Harmful to Self or Other Individuals. For example, advocacy aimed at drawing attention to harmful, real-world actions or events (such as a webpage describing a protest against domestic violence) would not be considered Harmful to Self or Other Individuals.

Examples of pages that are Harmful to Self or Other Individuals include any of the following types of content:

● Content containing serious death threats or other realistic-sounding threats
● Content that shares personal information belonging to others with malicious intent to target them or promote harassment towards them (i.e., “doxxing”)
● How-to or step-by-step information that describes how to commit violent acts in an easy-to-replicate way
● Content meant to advocate for, glorify, or trivialize violence and atrocities, or to disparage victim(s) of violence/atrocities
● Content depicting or promoting information that facilitates or leads to serious harm to people, or discussions that attempt to justify abuse of people
● Content that encourages unsafe behavior or substantially downplays the risks of dangerous activities (e.g., consuming household cleaning products)
● Suicide promotion or pro-anorexia content that encourages people to engage in behavior that can result in hospitalization or death
● Health-related advice that contradicts well-established expert consensus and could result in serious harm (e.g., statements that lemons cure cancer), or could prevent someone from undertaking a life-saving treatment (e.g., encouraging a home remedy as a replacement for standard medical treatment to cure a disease)
● Malicious pages that attempt to scam or hurt people, contain suspicious links (e.g., to download malware), request personal information without a legitimate reason, or “phish” for passwords

Examples of content that should not be considered Harmful to Self or Other Individuals include:

● Depictions of violence in an action movie
● A news story about violent events
● Educational content that may depict violence or gross imagery
● An explanation of scams meant to raise awareness about them
● Portrayals of dangerous activities in a manner that discourages others from attempting the same feat (such as by clearly explaining the risks involved, describing the expertise and equipment required, etc.)